Amiibo Institute

What is Amiibo Institute?

We are a dedicated group of Smash fans who want to get the most out of our Amiibo! Basically, we try to find the best amiibo setups by running in-community tournaments and documenting results. We use the documented results to get a rough idea of what types of Amiibo have high win-rates, what to expect in a given Amiibo vs. Amiibo matchup, and develop a rough estimate of what the Amiibo meta currently looks like.

Anyone is welcome in our growing community! If you would like to join the fun, reach out to us via our Discord.

New to Amiibo?

This post will help you get started in the world of amiibo.

Need advanced amiibo training help?

Learn how to manage different versions of the same figure player, modify figure player data on your computer and archive old versions of your figure players.


This small subsection of the Super Smash Bros. community is all about finding out the hidden potential of the plastic figures known as Amiibo in the fighting game Super Smash Bros. If you did not know, you can purchase these little plastic statuettes of famous Nintendo characters and bring them to life by scanning them on the Wii U gamepad, the center of the Nintendo 3DS bottom screen (Smash 4 only), or the right control stick of the Nintendo Switch controller. Doing so will register a fighter known as a figure player to that Amiibo. Fighting and training with the figure player will grow its knowledge and ultimately change its mode of fighting.

This community is trying to catalog the best methods for training those Amiibo, as well as what the best Amiibo are. We run tournaments, watch Amiibos fight, document the tournament results and make hypothesis based on the data we collect. Once we have a good idea of what we want to do next, we train the next batch of Amiibo and repeat the process. The hope is that eventually we will have enough data to train some of the best figure player fighters possible.

Since Amiibo is a niché subsection of the whole Super Smash Bros. fan community, there is a separate discussion on the Discord for just Amiibo discussions. Try not to clutter #general with Amiibo discussions and be respectful of our fellow Super Smash Brethren!

We run tournaments!

"Do I have to send my amiibo figure to join?" Is often the first question that comes to mind when someone is invited to an Amiibo tournament for the first time, especially if it is far away. Do not worry; nobody is going to demand your figure be mailed to them! All we need to run the tournament are your encrypted binary dumps from the amiibo itself. These are easily retrievable on an NFC compatible Android smartphone. Simply send these files to us, and you will be well on your way to getting into the Amiibo tournament scene!

Here are the steps to load your Amiibo's binary off the NFC chip:

  • Verify that your Android smartphone is NFC compatible
  • Download Tagmo's latest release and install it onto your Android smartphone
  • Open Tagmo, and click "Load Tag"
  • Tagmo will rip the encrypted binary off of the NFC device for you
  • Send the encrypted binary to the tournament organizer via email
    • Do NOT send an unencrypted bin to anyone asking for it
    • Do NOT send locked-secret.bin or unfixed-info.bin OR retail.bin (if you combined the encryption keys)
    • Doing may cause you legal issues with a certain company that starts with Nin and ends with Tendo